About airbase Zeljava

Also known as ‘’Klek’’ or ‘’Objekat 505'’, was a massive underground military complex located on the border between Croatia and BiH. Built during the Cold War, it served as a secret Yugoslav People's Army (JNA) facility designed to withstand nuclear attack up to 20kt.

The complex featured a vast network of tunnels, hangars, and facilities, capable of sheltering personnel and ~60 fighter and reconnaissance-fighter aircraft.

With approximately $6 billion spent on its construction, it was one of the largest and most expensive military construction projects in Europe.

The airbase was operational from its completion in 1968 until the early 1990s playing a significant role in the defense strategies of the SFRJ.

The airbase was intentionally and systematically destroyed in 1992 by the Yugoslav People's Army (JNA) during the outbreak of the Yugoslav Wars, to prevent it from falling into the hands of opposing forces.
